On the product detail page of a Your Surprise product their should be a button "Personalise product", which can be clicked by the customer to start with the personalization of the product. In some circumstances this button doesn't show up. Please follow the following guide in order to fix this issue.

The module adds a child block to the magento "product.info.addtocart" block. This block is definied in the layout file "yoursurprise.xml".

		<reference name="product.info.addtocart">
			<block type="yoursurprise/catalog_product_view_customise" name="yoursurprise_customise" template="yoursurprise/customise.phtml"/>

Please make sure that the block "product.info.addtocart" is defined in the Magento layout XML file "catalog.xml". The standard Magento definition of this block looks like this:

<block type="catalog/product_view" name="product.info.addtocart" as="addtocart" template="catalog/product/view/addtocart.phtml"/>

In the defined template the child blocks shoud be rendered. Please make sure that this code is available in the "addtocart.phtml" file. See the example below which is the standard Magento addtocart.phtml file. 

<?php $_product = $this->getProduct(); ?>
<?php $buttonTitle = $this->__('Add to Cart'); ?>
<?php if($_product->isSaleable()): ?>
    <div class="add-to-cart">
        <?php if(!$_product->isGrouped()): ?>
        <label for="qty"><?php echo $this->__('Qty:') ?></label>
        <input type="text" name="qty" id="qty" maxlength="12" value="<?php echo $this->getProductDefaultQty() * 1 ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Qty') ?>" class="input-text qty" />
        <?php endif; ?>
        <button type="button" title="<?php echo $buttonTitle ?>" id="product-addtocart-button" class="button btn-cart" onclick="productAddToCartForm.submit(this)"><span><span><?php echo $buttonTitle ?></span></span></button>
        <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('', true, true) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
  • No labels